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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 20, Issue 5, pp. 1551-1927

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Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules

Bradley K. Alpert

pp. 1551-1584

Simulations of Acoustic Wave Phenomena Using High-Order Finite Difference Approximations

Bo Strand

pp. 1585-1604

Adaptive Finite Elements for Elastic Bodies in Contact

C. Carstensen, O. Scherf, and P. Wriggers

pp. 1605-1626

The Homotopy Continuation Algorithm for the Real Nonsymmetric Eigenproblem: Further Development and Implementation

T. Y. Li and Zhonggang Zeng

pp. 1627-1651

Orderings for Incomplete Factorization Preconditioning of Nonsymmetric Problems

Michele Benzi, Daniel B. Szyld, and Arno van Duin

pp. 1652-1670

Basis Functions for Triangular and Quadrilateral High-Order Elements

T. C. Warburton, S. J. Sherwin, and G. E. Karniadakis

pp. 1671-1695

A Numerical Method for Kinetic Semiconductor Equations in the Drift-Diffusion Limit

Axel Klar

pp. 1696-1712

A Domain Decomposition Method for the Helmholtz Equation in a Multilayer Domain

Elisabeth Larsson

pp. 1713-1731

C1 Convexity-Preserving Interpolation of Scattered Data

N. K. Leung and R. J. Renka

pp. 1732-1752

Numerical Approximation of Optimal Flow Control Problems by a Penalty Method: Error Estimates and Numerical Results

L. S. Hou and S. S. Ravindran

pp. 1753-1777

A Parallel Fast Direct Solver for Block Tridiagonal Systems with Separable Matrices of Arbitrary Dimension

Tuomo Rossi and Jari Toivanen

pp. 1778-1793

A Distillation Algorithm for Floating-Point Summation

I. J. Anderson

pp. 1797-1806

On the Additive Version of the Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Method for Anisotropic Elliptic Problems

Owe Axelsson and Alexander Padiy

pp. 1807-1830

Fast CG-Based Methods for Tikhonov--Phillips Regularization

Andreas Frommer and Peter Maass

pp. 1831-1850

Steady and Unsteady Shock Waves on Overlapping Grids

Zi-Niu Wu

pp. 1851-1874

The Finite Element Approximation of Semilinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Critical Exponents in the Cube

C. J. Budd, A. R. Humphries, and A. J. Wathen

pp. 1875-1904

Front Tracking Simulations of Ion Deposition and Resputtering

J. Glimm, S. R. Simanca, D. Tan, F. M. Tangerman, and G. Vanderwoude

pp. 1905-1920

Computing the Smallest Eigenpair of a Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrix

Nicola Mastronardi and Daniel Boley

pp. 1921-1927